Eight Week Glow Up Guide

Ready to GLOW UP?

2024 felt heavy and hard for a lot of us and with the new year at our door, you get to reset and restart you can ✨glow up ✨ from the inside out. 

This new program is about truly taking care of yourself
so you can  ✨ glow✨ from within. 




Our * NEW * STRONGER Glow up guide is an 8 week program with weekly protocols that when practiced consistently, will change you from the inside out.


Glowing from within is an inside job & one I've been working on for over two months. In my personal journey over the last two months, I've improved my

✨ body composition - I'm leaner and stronger than Ive been in the last two years 

✨  my skin is 100x better than it was all year 

✨  my mental health is better than it's been all year 

✨ my nervous system is calm and I feel incredible 

This what I want for you and if you want to follow my simple & effective protocol, all you have to do is become a member and join us when we start Monday, Jan 6th 

Here's what you can expect:

✨ Movement, Nutrition, Mindset & Connection to help you GLOW UP from within  

In your new glow up guide you can expect:

five days of movement w/ live classes two days a week - for eight weeks
Mondays at 12:00PM EST and Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm EST
*times are subject to change*

 *new workouts*  that range from 15mins- 55mins 

 mini masterclasses on sleep, nutrition, hormones, supplements, mindset, movement & more

✨ * brand new* meditations to calm your nervous system & help you radiate from within

 new glow up recipes - with a focus on protein & fibre to strengthen your body, hair, skin and nails 

 daily STRONGGIRLWALKS + hydration because you glow when you're hydrated and moving  with intention 

Real-time accountability from me through our private SWKM community group chat & broadcast channel on IG

It's time to Glow Up from within

If you're ready for a guide that can transform you from the inside out, our  STRONGER Glow Up is for you 

If you're a SWKM member, you get FULL ACCESS to this program and everything that's included



If you're not yet a member and want to join our 8-week glow up guide,
Sign up HERE today for our Limited 7-day FREE TRIAL and let's get 
glow up together 

all swkm members get access to the program *
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