My WHY & How Movement Transformed My Life

June 18th 2018 I wrote a blog post:
My Fitness Journey, My WHY & Something I’m Excited To Share! but I left out a key piece of information. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention this WHY. 
It is the cornerstone of my brand, STRONGERWITHKM. It is WHY I am committed to helping women become their STRONGEST & HAPPIEST selves.
June 24th, 2002; my grandfather passed away (my moms dad). If you’ve met my mom or watched my stories on Instagram, you’ll know that my mom is a ray of light & the happiest person you’ll meet. She is a powerhouse, my hero and WHY I move, but in 2002 the death of my grandfather changed her. Her light disappeared & the energetic and bubbly person I knew was gone. After almost a year of grieving, I remember saying to her that I needed her. I told her that she needed to get out and it started with a walk.
I vividly remember sitting on the sofa & watching her put on her running shoes with tears in her eyes before leaving the house. It was soooooo hard to watch but I watched my mom leave the house broken & return so much happier. Little by little, one walk turned into two walks. Then three; then fourteen. Walks then turned into runs and I watched my mom, the light of my life, transform.
 In the lowest and hardest time of my moms life, I saw how movement transformed her & her transformation changed me too.
I didn’t know then how important and pivotal that time would be for her and I, but it’s a time I think about often. You know those moments you feel so much it’s almost palpable? That’s how profound it was for me. And then it was my turn. 2012/2013 I went through a hard breakup. 
I didn’t want to move or do anything; my mom forced me out of the house. I begrudgingly agreed every time because I knew she was only trying to help. I remember though, being so miserable about leaving the house. She ignored my attitude as I put on my shoes, as I walked out the door, even as we walked for the first few minutes.

It was so hard to start but I always returned home feeling better.

It was the one thing that ALWAYS made me feel better.
On my hardest days I turned to running, rollerblading, running stairs or joining a friend at a bootcamp class. I would go from feeling anxious and overwhelmed to energetic and happy. This is my why. I know what it feels like to feel really low- unmotivated and just super down; it takes a toll on you. I also know what it feels like to feel elated, optimistic and happy and the difference comes down to choice. The beautiful thing about feeling really good is that you radiate from within. You start to show up differently in your work, friendships, relationships and the quality of your life begins to change.
I always tell my clients and the women in my classes that movement is like putting money into a high interest investment account. The return you get by investing in yourself through movement at the end of the year is more than what you put in. And the best part is that often, all you need is 30 mins.
Remember, it can start with something as simple as a walk. It doesn’t have to be monumental to be effective. The goal is to feel good so start with something small (like a walk) and see how you feel. 
So this has been and will forever be MY WHY
I want you to know that it’s possible to feel good, happy and energized. I want you to FEEL your best so that you live a STRONGER and HAPPIER life for YOU and the people you love. It’s not about the number on the scale or looking a certain way. It’s about FEELING your best and showing up as YOUR BEST because when you feel good, you do good. And if I can help or contribute to that in any way, there is nothing that would make me happier.
Movement transforms the mind and then it changes your life. It changed mine in so many ways and now I get to help other women change their lives too. If you’re ready to explore moving in a new way that will help you feel better, sign up for our 14 day free trial and experience movement in a new and fun way that feels good.  You also get access to the #SWKM broadcast channel where I share all things workouts, wellness and daily healthy habits. In addition to this group, there will be a private members only whatsapp group for SWKM members where we share our wins, our workouts and hold each other accountable. Doing things alone feels good, but doing things together feels so much better. 
And because I want to always know more about you and what moves you, I’d love for you to share what movement means to you & if movement has changed your life too. Leave me a comment below and let’s talk about it.


Love always, KM

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